This is good advice.
I’d add this: mobilize the people of every generation who are ready to act. There are many, MANY people worldwide (very likely well over a billion) who are fully aware that this is a crisis, who are anxious, and fearful, and even depressed. They SEE the increased unnatural disasters—floods, droughts, killer storms, heat waves, shortage—and know this will accelerate.
They feel helpless. They vote and protest and still fossil fuel use continues increasing. They feel alone.
But they are NOT alone. There are hundreds of millions of us. Probably billions. We feel helpless because people in positions of authority everywhere are failing and have failed catastrophically for decades AND WILL NEVER SAVE US.
We aren’t motivated by desire for lower gas bills or any practical concern. Low gas bills mean nothing on a dead planet.
We are motivated by our love for Life, our love of our Earth, our deep commitment to our children.
We don’t need to persuade these people. They are ready. We just need to let them know that they are NOT ALONE. They are NOT POWERLESS.
That WE can fix this by defying authorities and putting competent and caring climate scientists in charge of doing what’s necessary to stabilize the climate and preserve Earth’s habitability.
We need to end the insanity of our leaders and take control. We need to mobilize people power—the same force that empowered Gandhi’s supporters to oust the British from India. The same power that enabled King’s supporters to integrate the American South.
WE have this power. WE have the numbers. WE have a proven strategy.
We can and must end the insanity. And we have begun. YOU can join.