THIS is the real clue: leaders in business and politics aren't interested in fixing the climate; they only care about making more money.
It's THIS mindset which will doom us—unless we remove failed leaders and failed economic and political systems which are based on continued extraction.
WE can and must do this. But not within the systems and rules that are in place. Those systems and rules are designed to protect the status quo—protect the positions of the very people who are trashing the planet and dooming our children.
Our survival depends on disobedience, noncooperation, and nonnegotiable demands that all failed leaders resign, all failed systems and institutions are disbanded and that competent and caring people are put in charge of a worldwide emergency program to rescue Nature.
The new people in charge would be climate scientists and young climate activists. The former will provide the knowledge and expertise to get the job done. The latter can be trusted to guide the program because they have skin in the game. It is the young who will inherit this ruined Earth.
Let's make the change. Let's FORCE the change.