We don’t have capitalism. We have plutocracy—a small number of wealthy people have purchased most of our politicians using bribes, humorously called “donations.”
They make laws favorable to themselves and crushing to the rest of us. That’s why there is infinite money to give trillion dollars tax cuts to the ultra wealthy year after year. And why every time spending a dime on people who aren’t wealthy is scrutinized, reduced or eliminated.
It’s why the Federal minimum wage remains a laughable unlivable figure. It’s why we have no retirements or other benefits to speak of.
It’s why we have no job security and healthcare is unaffordable.
This explains almost everything—including why we are allowing the fossil fuel industry to destroy the planet and have had 26 annual face saving meeting that do exactly nothing. Oil makes the plutocrats richer.
Capitalism is a ridiculous idea that only exists on paper just like communism. But plutocracy—which is real—will collapse because it’s nearly reached as far as greed and stupidity can go.