We have to act on what we know:
Politicians make policy that’s requested by the ultra rich oil fans that bribe them.
You know that here in America, it’s well known that politicians essentially take their orders from influence peddlers on K Street. But political sellouts are a worldwide phenomenon.
That’s why for at least 4 decades, nothing meaningful has been done to stop climate catastrophe.
There is no representative government so our opinions and arguments mean nothing.
We must tell the disgusting murderous greedy men behind the curtain, we see them.
We must tell them the truth, which they already know, which is they are murdering their own grandchildren and destroying the habitability of the Earth for personal profit.
We must tell them they are committing crimes against humanity and we hold them personally responsible.
We must tell them to stop, to unleash and fully support the scientist and engineers who have the best chance of saving civilization. At this late date, success is questionable.
But these evil fossils must help—NOW—or get the hell out of the way.