We intend to defeat Trump and all champions of oil and enemies of the Earth at the polls. But even if they win, they lose because we won’t cooperate. We will take charge of our planet and our children’s futures. We won’t submit to petty old men, who care only about themselves, who are so insignificant in their selfishness that they demand our attention. They will need to have their tantrums alone, in their rooms. Perhaps confined behind bars.
We will replace hate and greed and selfishness—which are simply variations of cowardice and stupidity—with courage and love and kindness. We will do this because we CAN do this and their is no time left, no option to continue on this path of abusing Life and Earth.
What we have been doing is insane, and the insanity depends wholly on our cooperation and support. We withdraw both. We will create a better and sustainable society. We will stabilize our grievously damaged planet. We won’t merely transition to clean energy. We will transform the planet by re-establishing a serious respect for Nature.
We will establish sanity. Join us.