Well, there's a whole other perspective on work, productivity and LIFE. In our view, work for profit is a waste of life—because life is only our time, and we waste the best decades of our lives inside of cubicles and on factory floors.
We are producing MOUNTAINS OF CRAP (for sales) and pouring gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere, ruining the Earth in the process.
What we NEED isn't work or money. What we need is healthy food, medicine, shelter and a (very) few other things. If we ONLY produce what's worth producing, then we'd reduce work by 80%-90%. We wouldn't be exhausting, wasting lives serving elites (whether those elites are plutocrats or a communist party or a dictator or whoever).
Would we be poor? If we measure poverty by how much crap we have, yes. But if we actually value LIFE and not STUFF, then we'd all be much, much richer.
Remember, nobody ever said on his death bed, "if only I'd spent more time at the office."
Read about the movement to prevent climate collapse and to save billions of wasted lives. Oh, and our method is the very moral and effective one: nonviolent noncooperation.