Member-only story
Why do we care what a politician, or a celebrity, or a pundit, or a billionaire thinks? Stop reacting, look at the world, and do your own thinking and make your own decisions. Take actions that make sense to you.
It’s not that hard, except everyone else is simply reacting to a standardized and set focus, an agenda and a worldview that’s already been established. That’s a problem because it’s a pretty limited world view — one that doesn’t allow us to realistically or sensibly face the most important challenges in life. We need to make our own fresh analysis and to set our own priorities.
Try it. Try ignoring what everyone else is obsessing over today. Decide for yourself what’s important and what’s worthy of your attention. How it all works for you may be different from my approach. Or not.
Here’s what I’ve done.
I’ve looked at the world, and my own experience of living, and decided three things:
- We as a species are stupidly ruining the planet we live on and dooming our own children. This is an exceedingly dumb decision and must be reversed.
- Life is limited and precious — yours and everyone elses. Since we are all essentially the same, and share the same human nature and condition, we should treat ourselves and others with deep respect, with caring and with love. This experience of…