What I support is an end to the cruel and foolish and deadly abuse of the planet Earth. This is necessary for many reasons, among them that we all live here. It is unforgivable to hand over an uninhabitable planet to our children and grandchildren.
It is doubly unforgivable to do when when we had a 50 year advance warning from climate scientists.
As far as economic slavery is concerned, I suspect you believe that we have “free markets” and I’m proposing taking them away. In fact, we have a government that serves the ultra wealthy billionaires and corporations that fund them. There is no popularly elected government and there are certainly no free markets.
So, yes, I want sane caring people to take control and overrule the fossil fuel corporations and the financial corporations that are systematically destroying the climate in an insane obsession with ever-increasing profits.
I am a person who favors the lives of billions of humans and untold numbers of other species and creatures that share this Earth over the excessive and obsessive greed of a few thousand fools.
That said, IF it were possible to make these changes within the existing systems, I’d be fine with that. There are people who are trying to do that—The Sunrise Movement comes to mind—and I respect and admire those groups and wish them well.
However, at this late date and given the ability of this system to resist any meaningful reform, I don’t believe we have time to make these changes through “democratic” means, especially with so much dark corporate money poisoning the system.
I understand other viewpoints—those of conservatives and those of libertarians and others. And most people with those viewpoints and sincere and well-meaning. But I believe those positions don’t square with the reality we actually face.
I would like the sane caring people who are ready to force the issue, and actually listen to the scientists and do what’s necessary, to band together for the sake of everyone’s children and for the future.
Here’s how: