What is with the defeatism?
Millions—no, billions of people—are opposed to the cruelty, the stupidity, the viciousness. WE can stop this, all of this, with nonviolent noncooperation.
This is the force that has ousted dictators and humbled empires. The open secret is that our opponents are WEAK. Thugs don't do anything. They depend on our passive acceptance. No, they requires more than that. They NEED us to take their orders.
When we don't, and this doesn't require all of us or even a majority, THEY are toast. Ask the British Raj. Ask the old Soviet Union. Ask The Shah, Milosevic, Ceaușescu and a thousand other so-called "strongmen" who fled in terror when the people said "no."
Join the movement that's learned from Gandhi and King and others. WE GOT THIS. But we need YOU.