What you recommend is good, but we will need much more than that. We need a MOVEMENT that withdraws our cooperation from all significant policies and behaviors that endanger the climate and the biosphere.
We need to stop the crisis at the PRODUCTION end. We not only buy everything; ordinary people do all the real work. WE PRODUCE EVERYTHING.
WE need to stop production of everything except what's really needed: healthy food, medicine, shelter, etc. We can, and should, slash production by something like 90%.
We'd would not only stop worsening the climate, we'd have far less of our lives working, producing useless crap. WE'D HAVE MUCH MORE TIME AND ENERGY TO LIVE!
This isn't a sacrifice. It's a fantastic deal. We get a livable planet, and maybe 80% more free time to live—in exchange for less crappy stuff.
This is the only sane way forward. We can do this, too. We are using nonviolent noncooperation, the most effective movement strategy in history.