Member-only story
Would De-Industrialization Really Require Significant Sacrifice?
There’s a view that fighting climate collapse would be terribly difficult, and require great sacrifices and suffering. For this reason, most people would rather continue on our present course. Change would involve severe risk and unpleasantness.
The obvious flaw in this view is that our present course is making a beeline for climate collapse and an unending succession of greater and greater misery. Of course, this misery would be born by our children and grandchildren more than by today’s adults. Does anyone find comfort in that? If so, well, what kind of people are we, anyway? And not just “we”. What about YOU?
Because if we are unwilling to get the ball rolling, to stand up to those who are dismantling the biosphere, then we are complicit in the climate’s destruction and not much better than the criminals who are doing most of the damage. If YOU refuse to make the effort, the person dooming our children’s chances to survive effort is — to some degree — YOU.
True Resistance Is a Win-Win-Win
My contention is that NOT fighting for the survival and the health of the biosphere and the future of our children is a total loss and an unforgivable mistake. We gain nothing by putting our heads in the sand because continuing as we are is…