Yes. We must rally others and wield the vote. But because the system itself is corrupt, the branches of government are poisoned by corporate money, we must also go beyond and defy the system. We must wield moral force through non-violent action.
Violence is evil and those with formal authority have a massive advantage in weaponry. But morally, they are at a hopeless disadvantage. Gandhi showed this in India. Martin Luther King showed this in the United States.
But 5 college student you never heard of demonstrated this in Serbia. They started a movement called Otpor! and ousted Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Now Serbia has an elected representative government.
We can and should learn from Otpor! Ordinary disgruntled people successfully removed a violent and (seemingly) powerful dictator. The best news is that those student went on to create a group called CANVAS that teaches the lessons of successful nonviolent movements. See their website at
I am working with those principles and trying to awaken and guide some portion of the billions of people who want to preserve the habitability of our Earth for everyone’s children. We intend to defeat Big Oil and their greedy foolish friends—and prevent climate collapse.
We also intend to demolish the sick values that underly corruption itself. We aren’t born believing that greed is good and unregulated selfishness yields positive results for everyone. No, those pernicious lies were fabricated and promoted by various wealthy people over time until the lies became orthodoxy.
We will end greed and cruelty and selfishness as values—they are unacceptable and incompatible with human survival. We will free up people to express and be guided by the better angels of their Nature—generosity, kindness, love.
We are The Saners. You can read about us at and sign up for our email list at