You might add: Make noise and demand to be heard. If you have any doubt that ordinary people can change the world, you are very mistaken. People in positions of power and authority almost NEVER change the world—the preserve the power structure that put them on top.
Who changes the world? Small strong-willed children, like Greta Thunberg (in fact, the worldwide climate movement is largely led by little girls; the climate destruction is championed by so-called mature men). Why else changes the world? Can you name the people of the Arab Spring who forced multiple dictators to resign and run for their lives? Or those who did the something NONE of the “experts” (sic) predicted?
Why not speak up at government events, during Q&A and ask all the government officials who have failed to slash fossil fuels and stabilize the climate, who have instead taken fossil fuel money and accelerated our existential crisis—to resign. Immediately?
I urge you to speak up. The greatest disaster in the history of our species in nearing it’s climax—and we are waiting for leaders to do something. They never will. We must call them out publicly and repeatedly and make them very, very uncomfortable until they resign and responsible and caring people—I’m thinking young climate activists around the world, assisted by climate scientists and engineers—are put in charge.